The Who, What, Where, When and Why of Lifting Jesus Up in Our Writing

Words are powerful, they can build us up or tear us down. Just like a single word can scare us or calm us, our words can bring others closer to Jesus or push them away. When we talk about Jesus' amazing love and sacrifice, it reminds us how much He cares for us. It's like Jesus said, by sharing His story, we can help others feel His love too. Because of what Jesus did for us, everyone has the chance to be friends with God, our loving Father.

Jesus, Himself, said in John 12:32 (NIV) - And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself.”  John 12:33 (NIV) says “He said this to show the kind of death he was going to die.” Since His death, burial, and resurrection, life for us has never been the same. He reconciles all who will come to the Father.

Scripture Reference:

This approach to content creation is not just about excellence in communication; it’s about being a vessel for His word, ensuring that every piece of content not only informs and persuades but also testifies to the transformative power of God’s love. Whether it’s a blog post, a book manuscript, or marketing material, the goal is to lift Jesus up, drawing all people to Him through the written word.